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2001 Honda S2000

Wednesday, June 27. 2001

It's been a week now and I'm still asking myself how this happened? What brought on this madness that made us get two, two seaters! Our Silverstone Metallic 2000 model is holding up well, and the Integra was only 2 year old, so why did we do this? The S2K should be called the "S2Krazy" because it seems to induce moments of madness in otherwise normal people.

It all started when I mentioned we had a White with Red 2001 in stock. I only mentioned it casually when Franceen commented she wouldn't mind such a combination. Hmmm, this got me thinking, "I wonder if we could manage with two of these cars?"

Over the last year, I've developed a strong attachment to my car, I guess I'm always like this, I don't want to drive anything else but my car! This created a bit of a mileage problem for the Silver car. A second S2000 would allow us to feel free to drive it on the weekends and park the other car to slow down the miles.

What are the downsides? Well for starters, we can't carry furniture home anymore. We can't take anyone out to dinner without meeting them there, and there is no truly "secure" car. Hopefully we have all the furniture we need, and since we live in Kunia, we usually have two cars in town anyway so we're generally meeting people separately. We are pretty confident that this will not require a major lifestyle adjustment.

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